The following is an account of my first Sedona vortex experience.
For years I have heard of the famous Sedona vortexes and I finally had the opportunity to visit one. It was an experience I will forever remember.
I didn’t know what to expect. This was to be my first opportunity to actually experience one, close-up and personal.
It was a beautiful day. We drove up to the top of the Airport Mesa with our tour guide and a few friends. They say that’s where one of the most powerful vortexes of all in Sedona exists.
We parked the car and we began to walk around a path encircling the Sedona Airport Mesa.

We hiked for about a quarter of a mile where we came to a place where there was this flat rock along the path. For some reason I was drawn to it.
The rest of the party kept going but I lagged behind and felt this compulsion to sit on it. I thought that maybe this was a special place where the vortex energy could be felt.
I sat down. I closed my eyes and left myself open to whatever I was going to experience.
At first, I felt nothing. I felt a little bit foolish and perhaps maybe these vortexes are overrated. But after couple of minutes I began to feel a tingling sensation through my body. It wasn’t anything one could say was annoying or weird. But it was definitely perceptible.
No stranger to meditation, I tried to empty my mind of all superfluous thoughts and just focus on being there in the present tense.
As my thoughts slowed down felt my perception of the environment around me sharpen.
The sound of the wind whispered in my ears. I heard birds calling out to each other. I felt the warmth of the sun against my face.
I could feel this energy building. As it grew, the tingling intensified as well, and I felt my hands and my feet vibrating.
And then it happened. One second I was there sitting on a rock. The next I could feel my body actually floating up and away over the vortex. I knew it was my imagination, but it felt so real.

My thoughts came back and I began going back to the past. I remembered people that I’ve had long forgotten, people I had passed and met through my life. I thought of my mother and my father who had passed away and I felt their presence.
I could feel that they weren’t sad. They were happy.
As I continued my journey into myself, I could feel the energy increasing even more. I opened my eyes. Everything was sharper. More colorful. The sky was bluer. The clouds were whiter. The red rocks were blazing.
I felt this sensation of relaxation course through me. Deep. Deeper than any I have ever experienced in my past meditations.
The feeling and the vibration diminished, and I was slowly focusing back into the real world. Then I saw my tour guide in front of me. He had come back to make sure I did not get left behind by the group.
I don’t know if this is what others would experience. But I knew it was right for me. The sensation of feeling the vibration diminished. But it stayed with me through the day.
One thing I know for sure, I will never forget that experience sitting on that rock at the Sedona Airport vortex.
— By Marissa Murphy