The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) would like to remind drivers of trucks over 30 feet not to enter the switchbacks on State Route (SR) 89A in Oak Creek Canyon during its current construction project.
Construction is taking place near Pumphouse Wash Bridge in the switchback section of Oak Creek Canyon as part of the SR 89A Oak Creek Canyon Improvements. Because of this, there are 8-foot width and 30-foot length restrictions in the work zone.
Any vehicle traveling north or south along SR 89A that exceeds the width and length restrictions will not be permitted to continue through the work zone and will be forced to turn around, therefore adding significant time to their trip.
The width and length restrictions will be in effect through 2022 and possibly longer.
In the event that I-17 north/south be closed due to fire or an accident, traffic should not be routed through Oak Creek Canyon along SR 89A as inevitable backups have the potential to cause significant safety issues and delay response times for emergency vehicles.
For more information on the construction project, go to