The Verde Valley Humane Society (VVHS) announces the appointment of. Brenda Redel as its Executive Director. Board President Alice Klies stated, “I am pleased to welcome Brenda Redel on behalf of the board, staff, and volunteers of the Verde Valley Humane Society.
As Executive Director for the Sedona Community Center, Brenda secured grant funding and provided support for the Pet Project—a non-profit program assisting with pet food delivery and veterinarian services for pets of home-bound elders. More recently, as the Director of Organizational Development at Rainbow Acres she oversaw the animal science and equestrian programs for adults with developmental disabilities.
Brenda says, “I believe that the benefit of the human-animal bond goes both ways. Just as the presence of an animal can relieve loneliness, isolation, and depression in people, so we also can provide a critical link in improving the health and well-being of animals that are abandoned and alone.” She is excited to merge her proficiency in non-profit leadership, volunteer and staff engagement, and community outreach with the Verde Valley Humane Society team. Brenda states, “In a team where passion meets expertise, the possibilities are boundless!”
The Verde Valley Humane Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to the animals and people of the community and provides a healthy, caring environment for shelter animals until they are adopted or returned to their owners. The shelter, located at 1520 W. Mingus Avenue, Cottonwood, serves Cottonwood, Clarkdale, and unincorporated Yavapai County including the Village of Oak Creek. For more information, to make an appointment to visit adoptable pets, or to donate call 928-634-7387 or visit