The National Park Service is pleased to announce the availability of the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Wupatki National Monument Backcountry Management Plan/Environmental Assessment (plan/EA). The plan/EA and FONSI are available for viewing online at the monument’s Planning, Environment & Public Comment page: (;
The FONSI, signed by the NPS regional director for Interior Regions 6, 7, and 8 on April 25, 2022, describes the selected action and explains why the plan will have no significant effects on the natural, cultural, or human environment. Therefore, an environmental impact statement will not be prepared.
The FONSI is based on the plan/EA, as well as the comments received from the public, other stakeholders, agencies, and staff during the public review period that concluded January 20, 2022. The FONSI summarizes the public comments received, responds to those comments, identifies changes to the text in the plan/EA as a result of the comments, and includes the non-impairment determination required by NPS policy. The National Park Service will continue to consult with the Arizona State Historic Preservation Office and associated tribes on a project-level basis throughout the implementation and lifespan of the plan/EA.
For questions, you may reach out to Lisa Leap, resource stewardship and science manager, at or (928) 522-4377 (cell).
For more information about Wupatki National Monument, please call (928) 679-2365. You can also visit the park website at