… it was a delightful day … long lunch with a friend and then shooting along Oak Creek to close the day out. Friends who live on the creek have this very old and very neat Sycamore tree that has a branch that broke off many years ago and where it broke off there is a very distinct fave that glows in the afternoon sun … further downstream another friend has property on the creek and we went down there to see if I could get some shots of a huge Sycamore tree on his property … didn’t turn out so well and I have to come up with some way to shoot it and come away with a good shot. I did get some great shots of Maggie trying to get a large stick out of the creek … perhaps she was trying to build a dam across the creek bed. The late sun was doing magical things to the water and bushes … life is wonderful!
Have a great day, keep smiling and greet those who you encounter in your daily adventures … purpose for everyday living!
And once again we’ll live in dreams
Of Youth.
The tender thoughts of childhood’s truth
Our themes
Again shall be in dreams.
Will you in truth then come to me,
My friend,
Where evening’s golden shafts still blend
Night’s sea—
Will you come back to me?
excerpt from Will You Come Back To Me? by Max Ehrmann